We at Wheelchair Network we think one of the best investments you can make to enhance your mobility is to obtain an ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter. Not only will it allow you to move with ease but to be able to fold it and transport it mostly anywhere you go, will allow you to enjoy more experiences.

When we speak to our clients about ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters, they usually are buying one because there are going into a trip, a cruise or simply because they want to go around into the mall or visit different places that require a long walk distance. Below we will cover in our opinion which are the best ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters that you can buy.

EV Rider Transport Plus Automatic Folding Scooter With Remote Control

EV Rider is one of the most prestigious brands for ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters. This model in particular only weighs 49 pounds and folds automatically with just the press of a button. We love that it holds up to 250 pounds and has an amazing range of up to 12 miles per charge with its new updated battery. Also, the ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter is airline friendly, which means at the time of purchase you can obtain a certificate that will allow you to take it with you in the plane. 

Check out the video to see it in action!

Shoprider Echo Folding FS777 Mobility Scooter

Shoprider has been around for a long time, therefore it is no secret that they are leaders in manufacturing ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters. The Echo Folding FS777 mobility scooter is designed for the user on the go. The mobility scooter unfolds and folds in a matter of seconds. It weighs 59 pounds and has an adjustable tiller and electric brake system which will guarantee a smooth ride wherever you go. One of the things we love about this ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter besides its features, its the price. Usually, ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters are expensive but you can get this one for a fraction of the price, with the assurance that you have a brand as Shoprider that will give you a full warranty on the ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter.


Shoprider Echo Folding FS777 Power ScooterShoprider Echo 3 Folding

Merits Yoga S542 Mobility Scooter

One of the features that we love about this scooter is that it has the option of adding a carry on bag. This is very useful for trips that require to take a plane, train or cruise because it will keep the ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter safe. With a total weight of 56.7 pounds, this is also one of the most ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters in the market. It has a range of about 11.25 miles per charge and holds a user of about 250 lbs. It also has a high ground clearance thinking of users that will take it to a cruise. It is ideal for indoor and outdoor use. It also has an adjustable tiller to adapt to user preference.

Check the video below!


EV Rider Gypsy Mobility Scooter

The EV Rider Gypsy ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter is the lightest weight scooter on the market. With only 37 pounds of total weight, this ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter can even be allocated in the airplane cabin bag compartment. The scooter has an amazing capacity to hold a user of about 250 pounds and also has a range of up to 10 miles. The seat does not come with armrest either a backrest, which allows the user to fully move while they are seated. This scooter is designed for the user who wants portability over any other thing.

Check the video below!

E-wheels Remo Folding Mobility Scooter

The E-wheels Remo ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter is an award-winning device. Its combination of power, lightweight, long-range and automatic folding feature makes it extremely appealing. It is also very comfortable as it has an armrest that can be adjusted to the height of the user and also a comfy seat. With a push an of a button the E-wheels Remo ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter folds in less than 10 seconds. One of the things that we love about this scooter besides all the features mentioned above, is the capacity to hold a user of about 300 pounds with a range of about 13 miles. This is truly one of our favorite ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooters.

Remo Folding Mobility ScooterRemo folding mobility scooter


To summarize, this is our verdict. If you are looking for a daily use ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter, but you want to have portability, then we recommend the EV Rider Transport Plus Automatic Folding and the E-wheels Remo. If you are a person who travels very often we recommend the Merits Yoga S542 Mobility Scooter. If you are looking for extreme portability and not much comfort, then the EV Rider Gypsy would be your best choice. Finally, if you are on a budget and don’t want to spend a lot of money but still want to have a great ultra-lightweight folding mobility scooter, then the Shoprider Echo FS777 would your best option.

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